Blog: pet health


Cardiac Disease in Our Pets

And the Beat goes On… Heart Disease is far more common in our pets than most know. Some breeds, such as King Charles Cavalier Spaniels or Dobermans, are prone to certain conditions. Some things are genetic, some are birth defects, some are diet or age induced, while some are luck...


What Hot Weather Means For Pets

hot, Hot… HOT Now that the hot weather is upon us, it’s good to think about our four footed friends. While we can just move inside and turn on the air conditioner, they are at our mercy.


Smoking in Your Homes

Imagine eating the contents of an ashtray?

pesticides precautions

Fleas and Ticks and Worms, OH MY

Lions and Tigers and Bears OH MY! Better known as fleas and ticks and worms OH MY! In the vet world… Spring has sprung and the grass has risen, now is the time to think of the creepy crawlies which can infest your pet and your home. These are all...