Blog: pet health


The Geriatric Dog: Urinary Incontinence

When I was younger and before I was in the veterinary field my dog Bella, who was roughly nine years old, developed a urinary incontinence. I remember her having accidents around the house.


Why Does My Pet Get Ear Infections?

Ear infections can be caused by many different factors.  Some breeds are more prone to them just because the way the ear falls to the side or the amount of hair in the ear, ear getting wet all the time from swimming or just genetics.  


What Should I Be Feeding My Pet?

Let’s start off by saying your dog is an omnivore and your cat is an obligate carnivore (true carnivore). What does this mean? An omnivore obtains nutrients from a combination of meats and plants.


Calypso – The Cat Truly with Nine Lives

“Nothing is IMPOSSIBLE, the word itself says ‘I’m possible'” Audrey Hepburn