Blog: Services
Vaccinations are important for all domesticated cats. Whether they are strictly indoors or if they spend some time in the outdoors, having up to date vaccinations are crucial for all cats!
Here at North Town Veterinary Hospital, we offer a variety of vaccinations to ensure your pets are protected from common viruses and diseases. The vaccinations we use help to create an immune reaction and produce antibodies against certain types of viruses and diseases. Our veterinarians have put together the recommended...
Puppy Vaccinations
Ideally taking place at 8, 12 and 16 weeks of age, booster vaccinations are crucial in assuring your puppy will have a healthy and happy start in life. Every veterinarian will have a preferred protocol for vaccinating puppies, in addition, protocols change because of new research.
Kitten Vaccinations
Young kittens are highly susceptible to infectious diseases, which is why it is very important to have them properly vaccinated!