Here at North Town Veterinary Hospital, we offer a variety of vaccinations to ensure your pets are protected from common viruses and diseases. The vaccinations we use help to create an immune reaction and produce antibodies against certain types of viruses and diseases. Our veterinarians have put together the recommended core vaccines for all dogs to receive regularly, as well as, elective vaccinations that may be recommended depending on your pet’s lifestyle. We also offer an alternative to the traditional once a year core vaccine schedule; while annual examinations are always recommended, your pet’s core vaccinations may be given up to every three years.
What types of vaccinations do you offer for adult dogs?
Vaccines are often combined to make it less stressful on your pet. For dogs, core vaccines include; DHPP/DAP and rabies. Non-core vaccines include; leptospirosis and bordatella. DHPP is an acronym for distemper, hepatitis, parvovirus, and parainfluenza, DAP is an acronym for distemper, adenovirus, and parainfluenza. The most common disease that pet owners are aware of is rabies, which is usually carried through the saliva of an infected animal, rabies can be transmitted to most mammals, including humans. Parvovirus attacks the white blood cells in the body, which are extremely important to our immune system, making the pet vulnerable to other infections. Distemper is another highly contagious and often fatal disease for dogs. It is usually spread by direct dog to dog contact but can be spread via coughing and sneezing over short distances. Canine Hepatitis and Adenovirus causes infections and inflammation of the liver, which can be transmitted through urine or the nose and eye discharge of an infected animal, usually by direct contact. Parainfluenza and bordatella are both diseases that affect the respiratory tract, also commonly known as kennel cough. Finally, leptospirosis is a bacterial disease of the liver and kidneys that can affect dogs as well as other mammals, including people, though it is usually carried by rats and other wild rodents. Preventing these serious and contagious diseases not only makes it safer for your pet but for others as well.
Is there a schedule for how often to vaccinate a dog?
Your veterinarian will tailor a vaccination schedule to suit your pet’s needs. For many years, a set of annual vaccinations was considered normal and necessary for dogs and cats. Veterinarians have since learned more about diseases and pets’ immune symptoms, with increasing evidence that immunity triggered by some vaccines provides protection beyond one year. Here at North Town Veterinary Hospital, we recommend that puppies get a series of vaccines at 8, 12, and 16 weeks of age. Following their puppy series, we will be vaccinating once yearly, with a specific rotation of vaccinations best suited to your pet’s requirements.
Why is it important to vaccinate your dog?
Pets should be vaccinated to protect them from many highly contagious and deadly diseases. Experts agree that widespread use of vaccines within the last century has prevented death and disease in millions of animals. Even though some formerly common diseases have now become uncommon, vaccination is still highly recommended, due to these serious disease agents being continuously present in the environment today.
How much do dog vaccinations cost?
Our annual vaccinations include an examination, complimentary nail trim, DAP (distemper, adenovirus and parainfluenza) and rabies vaccination. Additional vaccinations may be recommended based on a thorough lifestyle evaluation with our medical team. These vaccinations include bordetella (a kennel cough), leptospirosis and Lyme disease. Bordetella, leptospirosis or Lyme can be given separately from your pet’s annual visit, including an examination and complimentary nail trim as well. Please feel free to contact us at any time and we will be happy to assist you in creating a vaccination schedule for your pet as well as a quote for your visit.