North Town Veterinary Hospital 905-451-2000

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Common oral tumors in dogs and cats
Common oral tumors in dogs and cats

Common oral tumors in dogs and cats

The oral cavity is a common site for tumors in dogs and cats, and oral cancer is the fourth most common malignancy observed in dogs and cats.

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Xylitol Toxicity in Dogs
Xylitol Toxicity in Dogs

Xylitol Toxicity in Dogs

Xylitol is a common sugar substitute. One of the most common products that contain xylitol is sugar-free gum. 

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Dental Health Months at North Town
Dental Health Months at North Town

Dental Health Months at North Town

It’s time to let your pets shine in the New Year; National Pet Dental Health Month is happening!

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The Awesomeness of Being a Foster Parent
The Awesomeness of Being a Foster Parent

The Awesomeness of Being a Foster Parent

Fostering animals in need is truly a rewarding experience. The most common question I get asked is: “Isn’t it really hard to give them up?” Of course it is! 

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How to Choose a Groomer
How to Choose a Groomer

How to Choose a Groomer

There are many steps involved in order to choose a groomer, and believe it or not it starts with your furry friend- your pet! 

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Found Chihuahua Reunites with Family
Found Chihuahua Reunites with Family

Found Chihuahua Reunites with Family

This New Years, North Town Veterinary hospital got to celebrate with a reunion: One between a missing pup & a couple who had been through a traumatic event.

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Pet of the Month December: Duncan
Pet of the Month December: Duncan

Pet of the Month December: Duncan

Duncan is an eight year old Beagle who joined his family when his human sisters grew out of infancy.

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Pre-surgical Bloodwork
Pre-surgical Bloodwork

Pre-surgical Bloodwork

Why does my pet need bloodwork before surgery? This is one of the common questions asked when admitting a pet for a surgical procedure. 

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Feline Dementia
Feline Dementia

Feline Dementia

As most cats reach their senior years, mental health tends to decline over time. This is a non-curable disease, but there may be things you can do to slow the progression.

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I go to work everyday…. a poem
I go to work everyday…. a poem by Lesley at NTVH

I go to work everyday…. a poem

I go to work every day, And everyday I find I walk through the door with a smile, And am replied to in kind.

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A Year of Giving at our Vet Hospital
A Year of Giving at our Veterinary Hospital

A Year of Giving at our Vet Hospital

The North Town Veterinary Hospital team has spent 2015 enjoying many community events

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A Veterinary Technician at North Town
A Veterinary Technician at North Town

A Veterinary Technician at North Town

My shift starts when I open my eyes, what is the day going to bring, what is the weather outside, how are the animals going to be today?

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