
Tick in fur

Ticks by Dr. Tiffany Rennick

Ticks! For most people, the very thought makes them shudder. These insects themselves are more than just a concern. Ticks can transmit serious diseases to pets and humans. Tick populations have been increasing in Ontario and with them, an increase in tick borne diseases. The tick life cycle has 4 stages: eggs, larvae, nymphs and […]

Veterinarian examining a dog's teeth

Most common oral tumors in dogs and cats – should we worry about them?

Written by Dr. Gala Musters How many of you check your pets’ mouths at least once a month? I have to exclude here the exemplary pet owner that brush their pet’s teeth on a regular basis and like to stay on top of everything concerning their four legged friends. However many owners do not look […]

Veterinarian examining a cat

What is it like to have a vet exam?

Written by  Michelle Walsh  Animal Care Assistant, North Town Veterinary Hospital Firstly, I know everyone thinks that having your pet in for an exam is stressful and time consuming, but you need to look at the bigger picture here! It’s a chance to learn more about your pet, and ways to continue their care. When […]

Owen the dog

Owen’s Dentistry at North Town Veterinary Hospital

Owen came in for a dental procedure at North Town Veterinary Hospital! Check out what happened in this photo diary!