Food to Keep Away from Pets

Hello everyone, I’m Angie one of the techs here at North Town!
Today I want to talk to you about food that we should keep away from are beloved furry family members.  Most people think, “What the big deal is if I give my pet people food?” In most cases a little treat won’t hurt, but this is not always the case.

Let’s start with the one most people have heard of: Chocolate. 
Yes we all love it, and for some reason so do our pets.  Although they don’t get the weight gain that we do, their symptoms are way worse. Depending on the weight of your dog, the amount or kind of chocolate, your dog may have minor to severe reactions. They may get the shakes, vomiting and diarrhea, and chocolate can even be fatal.  This is because it is toxic to their heart and nervous system.  Now that Christmas & Halloween have come and gone it is really important to keep chocolate away where pets cannot reach it.

Another food problem for our pets are: Fatty Foods.
Most of us like to share what we eat.  Before I started working in the veterinary industry, I loved sharing too. I didn’t realize that I could be making my family member very sick.  The most common symptom you will see to indicate that something is wrong is vomiting and diarrhea. It might go way on its own, but some patients can have a more severe problem like pancreatitis. What is that?  It is when their pancreas becomes inflamed. It can be extremely painful and it might just land Fluffy in the hospital.

Other food like raisins, grapes and currents can cause kidney failure.  Walnuts and macadamias can cause nervous system  as well as muscle damage. Caffeine can cause vomiting and diarrhea.

One thing you may not think too much about: Alcohol.  Just like people, the effects of alcohol can be one extreme to another. We can go from intoxication, to coma to death, depending on how much they have consumed.  If you suspect your pet has been exposed to or ingested alcohol, you need to bring your pet in right away.

Finally: Bones.  Bones can become sharp with chewing and puncture the stomach and intestines while trying to be digested.  Sometimes they get stuck around your pets jaw, teeth or in their throat, which cause panic and choking. If your pet has swallowed a bone, the number one thing not to do is go in after it. Chances are you are going to get bitten. The best thing you can do is get them in to see us!  Another problem associated with bones is that they are too big to move through their intestines, which we then call a foreign body, which in most cases means surgery.

If you have any questions about foods to keep away from your pets, please contact Angie at North Town Veterinary Hospital in Brampton.